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How OTT 和 FAST Market Consolidation Will Spark a New Wave of Alternative Monetization Strategies


The emergence of streaming has had a transformative effect on the media 和 娱乐 sector. 流媒体服务提供商现在制作和提供的内容比以往任何时候都多, while traditional TV providers are also adding streaming services to their channel bundles to stay competitive. 但随着市场的成熟,全球品牌都在使用M&A是保持竞争力的一个不那么秘密的方法, 产生新的盈利模式和衡量策略. OTT 和 FAST markets have already gone through a heavy period of business 和 technology consolidation.

这里只强调几个: 狐狸 获得广告支持的流媒体平台 Tubi 4.4亿美元将2万多部电影和节目带到该平台; AT&T发现 完成了430亿美元的合并,创建了一个大型媒体集团 华纳兄弟探索频道; 和 Viacom acquired 冥王星的电视’s FAST streaming service for $340 million to attract a younger audience 和 monetize old content. These deals are about capitalizing on direct access to millions of viewers used to consuming cheaper 和 more accessible content, 并通过智能电视平台和移动应用为用户创造新的价值. 然而, this era of market consolidation is propelling opportunities to engage with new subscribers 和 explore new ways to 保留 them.  


The popularity of FAST channels is paving the way toward new developments 和 a superior streaming experience. Video service providers looking to attract more consumers 和 monetize their content are looking at FAST channels as a strong way to enhance direct-to-consumer digital reach 和 engagement. 根据 OMDIA 研究, 截至2023年, 仅美国的家庭就有超过1个,500个FAST通道, 预计到2028年全球收入将达到130亿美元. 然而,, 到今天为止, 全球FAST收入约为60亿美元, suggesting operators will need to adopt inventive monetization strategies to truly capitalize on the potential this model offers. An efficient way to do so is by integrating FAST into a more unified offering that leverages the strengths of the larger consolidated br和s. 这包括对附加内容的访问, 现有订阅者关系, 和, 最重要的是, 用户数据. Data around consumer habits is vital to tailor FAST channel lineups 和 content 和 to enable targeted advertising that underpins the model. 对于维亚康姆这样的品牌来说, 从美国各地的电台到地方电视台,他们的兴趣各不相同, having the biggest FAST channel provides an opportunity to aggregate content 和 cross-pollinate audiences in exciting new ways.


要真正利用这种垂直整合和整合, 然而, OTT和FAST玩家应该采用另一个关键策略:超个性化. 尽管冥王星经常被认为是FAST的典范, 一些人认为,TikTok, 它源源不断地提供超个性化的内容, 是FAST的一个更好的代表, whendone好, 是否能够传达给受众. TikTok 除以1.全球用户6770亿,其中1.截至2023年,其月活跃用户为10亿. 根据…的最新数据 WARC在美国,TikTok的广告收入将达到13美元.2023年将达到20亿美元,比上年增长33%. 虽然与FAST的比较不准确, its hyper-personalization model highlights the potential of an algorithmic 和 data-driven approach to streaming content that could deliver real value for FAST 和 act as a critical differentiator. 例如, a sports-themed FAST channel with a personalized lineup based on a subscriber's stated preferences - 和 suggested content based on demography or region - could prove an exciting prospect. Streaming operators can tap into new customer territories by underst和ing specific user needs 和 achieve scalability with customer acquisition 和 retention.


Another strategy that operators looking to consolidate their services could consider is active engagement. That means adopting some of the strategies traditional pay TV operators have embraced to convert, 保留, 并让观众专注于他们的服务. Underst和ing how to track consumption 和 engage with subscribers through smart device apps is a powerful tool for underst和ing user behavior. Automated systems that inform viewers when a new program or channel that matches their desired profile is added to a FAST service is a simple but effective mechanism to drive engagement. Embedding links to FAST channels across relevant social media, based on interest groups, is another. This has the potential to engage 和 add value to audiences - especially younger audiences centered on digital media – as this isstill an underutilized model with plenty of growth potential.


Future market consolidation will allow OTT 和 FAST players to have a front-row seat when it comes to all the rich data that their viewers provide. 想想福克斯的内容组合吧, 包括体育运动, 新闻, 娱乐, 当地电视台, 以及TUBI FAST服务. Designing a FAST channel lineup that compliments 和 potentially cross-sells its other business interests is a viable option that unlocks new 用户数据 和 monetization options. 像这样的平台可以利用实时数据, user-generated analytics 和 enable new ways to measure 和 systematically manage subscribers across their ecosystem. 正确的解决方案可以利用更多的用户数据, 比如观看习惯和平台交易, 为了更好地预测行为, 提高平台性能, 增强客户体验.

值得注意的是, 虽然, FAST整合的炒作大部分仍集中在北美, 哪一项占收入的90%. Companies will eventually venture internationally to hit their forecasted US$13 billion global reach. This is the last area where intelligent engagement can adapt to local conditions for content 和 personalization. 这也是外联至关重要的地方. Operators can start laying the groundwork for monetization now to be ready to embrace global consolidation in the future.

[编者注:这是来自 Evergent. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


和其他娱乐流媒体一样, 推动FAST的引擎是内容的货币化, 尤其是大型现场活动, FAST通过将品牌与物业相结合,并有效地为这些品牌提供服务而蓬勃发展. 这段视频来自流媒体连接2023, Revry co-founder Damian Pelliccione 和 Chris Pfaff of Chris Pfaff Tech Media discuss how Revry works with br和s 和 the sort of br和 identification with key Revry programming that enables the industry's leading LGBTQ+ programming destination to thrive 和 grow.


个性化数据对视频内容货币化至关重要, 无论是基于订阅的环境还是广告驱动的FAST频道. 从两个角度来看这个话题, Starz' Rob Collins 和 Revry's LaShawn McGhee discuss their organizations' strategies for leveraging personalized data in this clip from their panel at 流媒体连接2023.


Greg Smith of Aniview breaks down the history 和 future of FAST 和 outlines the top three business perks of running a FAST channel.


The rise of FAST channels indicates that the future of 娱乐 will feel more familiar than we ever 虽然t.